Survey Time: How Do You Read Medium?

With your eyes or hands or ears, of course

Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2016


Gather round, readers of Medium. I come seeking your wisdom. I want to learn of your ways. Tell me your secrets, for with them we seek to make your reading experience even better.

Having a good experience with Medium goes far beyond what we read and how that information is delivered to us. How we consume what Medium holds is just as important.

Today, I’m looking to find out how you read. When do you usually read Medium? For how long? Do you use your phone, your desktop, your laptop, your table? Do you dig deep into a single piece or browse many headlines? Are you in a car, a bar, a jar? (Okay, I’m just getting a little too Seuss-ian with that one.)

Tell us how you read. Take our survey now.

These questions are high level, and while they definitely don’t hit every nuance of this multi-faceted question, they will help us get a good idea of different reading trends.

As with our last Talkback survey, I’ll share the findings with you once we crunch all the data (and share any and all insights I glean from what you tell us).

And if you have something else to add, another insight beyond what’s in the survey, or ideas for future questions you’d like us to ponder — leave a response. We’re all ears (and eyes).



East coaster with a secret SF love affair. I enjoy juxtaposing things. Also: Cheese and tiny dachshunds.