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Most things don’t matter that much


🦃 We’re back with a shorty
Issue #217, by Harris Sockel

Your daily dose of practical wisdom

We’re keeping it simple today — just one link to a story worth bookmarking: 29 life lessons Ryan Holiday learned from interviewing sports legends, psychologists, film directors, and bestselling authors. One takeaway: Most things don’t matter that much.

Grief and loss expert David Kessler has spent serious time with people on death’s door. One of the most impactful experiences he shared was when he was at the home of someone in the last few moments of their life. They were surrounded by friends and family and one of the friends asked if they wanted to see their new car, which was parked outside in the driveway. The dying person said no, they didn’t care to see the new car. “How ridiculous was that concept all of a sudden?” David Kessler said. “You just realize everything that what we thought was going to make us happy and become how we identify ourselves just means nothing. It means nothing. What matters is the people, it’s the love, it’s everything else.”

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Edited and produced by Scott Lamb & Carly Rose Gillis

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