It Happened on Medium

Caroline McCain
The Medium Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2016

The last two weeks in politics on Medium

1. Hillary Clinton announces her vice presidential pick and shares why she chose Tim Kaine. Senator Tim Kaine responds and introduces himself to the world.

2.The second half of July brought us the GOP Convention and the DemConvention, with tons of speeches and plenty of red, white and blue. The RNC published all the speeches from Cleveland here, and the DNC shared most of their speeches in their publication here.

3.Meanwhile, Libertarian presidential candidate Gov. Gary Johnson posts for the first time on Medium, on Bernie Sanders’ efforts to disrupt the system, and the system’s efforts to stifle him.

4.Senator Jeff Flake argues that Republicans won’t defeat Hillary in November by insisting she belongs in prison.

5.Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, ahead of her speech nominating Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination, writes a letter saying, “Thank you, Bernie.

6. Senator Jon Tester says that Americans deserve better than a Congress taking a 7-week recess when important issues are on the table.

7.Senator Kelly Ayotte writes that “the conversation about addiction is changing,” and with the passage of CARA, progress is being made.

8.Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack writes about the work he’s done to correct past wrongs and bring about a new era of civil rights at the USDA.

9. Sen. Chuck Grassley says that the government must keep its long-held promise to protect whistleblowers.

10. Dr. Jill Biden recaps her fifth trip to Africa in a series of posts, highlighting her time in Niger, Malawi, and Ethiopia.



Caroline McCain
The Medium Blog

VA→NC→DC. Digital / Politics. Looking for the next adventure.