It Happened on Medium
The last two weeks in politics on Medium

1.Senator Ben Sasse hosts a #YouTellMe, initiating a conversation about the presidential race, the candidates and what voting means.
2.Ending his campaign for president, Bernie Sanders writes to his supporters to endorse Hillary Clinton and urge them to keep their “political revolution” going.
3.Senator Tim Scott gave three speeches on the Senate floor following the events in Dallas, Minnesota, and Baton Rouge, sharing his personal experiences in dealing with law enforcement as an African-American man.
4. In addressing the shootings in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas, Hillary Clinton says “there is too much violence, too much hate, too much senseless killing, too many people dead who shouldn’t be,” and “we must do better.”
5. Senator Dianne Feinstein argues that a House Republican bill will do nothing to keep guns away from terrorists.
6. Senator Patty Murray writes about the opioid epidemic in our country and the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) bill before congress. Senator Jeanne Shaheen then responds and echoes her calls for both action and increased funding.
7.The CARA bill passes both the House and Senate — and Senate Majority Leader McConnell writes about it and calls on the president to sign it.
8. Senator Senator Jon Tester says “it’s time” to pass the Veterans First Act, calling it a step forward toward better care for veterans.
9. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler calls on her House colleagues to eliminate the USDA’s catfish inspection program and save American taxpayers millions of dollars each year.
10. North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory lays out how he is saving North Carolinians $4.4 billion over the course of five years.