Introducing Total Mobile Editing for Android

Writers can now seamlessly write, publish, and edit stories between their phone and the web

Cara Meverden
The Medium Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2015


Familiar scenario:

You are puttering around your house on a Saturday, trying to figure out the perfect method to predict what the gross domestic product of Chile will be next year. Befuddled, your dog comes in begging for a walk. “THAT’S IT!” you exclaim. Dog ownership is the perfect economic indicator. Excitedly, you write a Medium post about your theory. Already late for a dinner party, you quickly skim the post and don’t see any squiggly red lines. Looks good. You hit publish and rush out the door.

When you arrive at the dinner party, everyone is glancing at their phones, looking up and giggling at you. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, you excuse yourself to the restroom.

“Buy low, sell high!” Todd calls out as you walk into the hallway to the delight of the entire party.

Shutting the door, you pull out your own phone, look through your story, and see it. The dreaded typo:

Dammit Todd.

Thankfully, the Medium Android app now lets you EDIT YOUR STORIES AND DRAFTS ANYWHERE, ANYTIME.

And you do, adding that crucial “l” to fix the word. Walking back into the party, you go straight to a smirking Todd and ask him what’s so funny. His grin disappears and his brow furrows as he rereads your post.

“But… I swear… it was…” he stammers.

“That’s what I thought, Todd.” You spin around and take your seat to the slow applause of all your friends.

Wait… There’s more!

That’s not all we are launching today. To complement the new editor and draft syncing, we’re also launching writer stats.

This simple version of stats will let you stay up to date on how many people are viewing, reading, and recommending your story. Find these new features in the left-side drawer.

We’re excited for you to try out these features. Check it out in the Google Play Store. Please send your feedback and questions to

Special thanks to @nick and @gueldner for the wonderful storytelling.



Cara Meverden
The Medium Blog

Founder of Scout FM. Previously Medium, Twitter, Google. Loves dogs. Food. TV.