Introducing Top Writers in Tags

Spotlighting leading voices on popular topics

Joe Polastre
The Medium Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2017


The Sundance Film Festival starts today, and you don’t want to miss what has top movie experts buzzing. The Super Bowl is coming up, and you want to find the best sports writers on Medium for analysis from all sides. Tag pages already show you trending stories about any topic on Medium, but not the writers shaping those trends. Today, we’re launching a new feature to spotlight the most popular voices on any topic — top writers in tags.

Tag pages now list the top writers on that topic.

For our most popular tags (like Movies, Science, Diversity, and Politics), we’ll list the top 50 writers whose stories are most influential on that topic. These lists update daily and always show writers who are publishing quality content about a specific topic on a regular basis. (We’re also fielding requests for other tags you might want to see included in the future, so tweet at us if you have suggestions.)

When you’re named a top writer in a tag, you’ll receive an email to let you know. Beyond being featured on tag pages, your profile will also proudly display the tags in which you’re a top writer, so potential followers can quickly see your expertise.

Recognition for being a top writer appears on your profile. Readers now know that Stephanie writes great stories on History and Journalism.

Want to increase your chances of getting featured as a top writer? Here are three best practices:


Our system prioritizes writers who publish stories that garner significant reading time. Publish stories that engage your readers and spark conversation.


Top writers publish stories about their topic frequently — and they make sure to tag each post with the relevant tag. The more frequently you write about your expertise (and tag it), the better your chances of making the list. If you want to make the list for Politics, for example, make sure to include the Politics tag on your stories about politics.

Loyal audience

The more readers that find and read your stories, the more likely you will become a top writer. Continue exploring ways to grow your loyal following, building momentum with each story. Sharing and promoting your stories on other platforms can help increase your reach.

We’re honored that Medium is the home for so many passionate voices, and we’re excited to bring more deserved attention to the leading writers on the platform. We welcome our first crop of top writers in tags and can’t wait to keep reading your stories.



Joe Polastre
Joe Polastre

Written by Joe Polastre

Pilot 🧑‍✈️, sailor ⛵️, product leader 👨‍💻

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