Custom domains are back!

Your domain name is an important part of your brand and clarifies the relationship forged between writer and reader. A couple years ago, we pushed pause on allowing writers to set up new custom domains on Medium. We did this because every feature on Medium should be frictionless and scalable, and the set-up of custom domains did not adequately satisfy either. During that time thousands of writers reached out, asking to bring this feature back. Last year, Ev detailed our plans to bring back custom domains:
Among other reasons, we needed to fix some cross-domain bugs and revamp our system for registering SSL certificates. We have now prioritized that work so that we can scalably offer custom domains again.
Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve worked through the aforementioned issues, and writers can once again link their blog to a domain name they independently own. We used to charge $75 per custom domain, but we’re now making this feature free for Medium members. Once you’re a member, you can add or remove custom domains at no additional cost.
To set up a custom domain for your Medium profile or publication, simply navigate to the ‘Custom domain’ section in your profile or publication settings and click ‘Get Started’.
We hope custom domains help make your space on Medium feel like your own. Drop a link in the responses to your blog or publication using a custom domain ー we’d love to check them out!