An Easy 5-Step Plan for Improving Your Medium Profile

Medium Staff
The Medium Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2022


Photo: mikroman6 / Getty Images

Your bio introduces you to your reader

We’ve found that a bio (the short description that shows up near your profile picture across Medium) works best when it suggests what kind of content readers can expect from you, and offers information about who you are and some of your most salient credentials. Go ahead and fill yours out today — it only takes a minute.

Build your credibility on your About page

The About page offers more space than the bio, so you can tell your readers even more about yourself. When it comes to presenting yourself to your followers and potential followers, don’t be coy. Think about it this way: if a reader comes across one of your stories out of context, they will likely want to learn more about you. Don’t make them wonder why they should listen to your theories about crypto, or whatever you write about — tell them your credentials, background, and where they can find your other work. Here’s some more information on filling out your About page on Medium.

Headlines should be both bold and clear

Give your readers an incentive to click. We’ve found headlines to be very important on Medium — they can help establish your voice for the reader, and give your reader a quick sense of whether a story is for them. A good headline doesn’t have to be clever, but it should be clear. It also helps to make an assertion, giving readers a good idea of what they will get from your piece. More advice for writing great headlines can be found here.

A regular publishing cadence is a service to your followers

Especially if you’re new to writing on Medium, let your readers know how often they can expect to hear from you. Do you want to publish every week, month, few months? Be realistic about what works for you. This workshop about finding your writing “niche” might be helpful as you get started.

Find stock images that don’t look like stock images

Don’t forget to add images to your posts. A vibrant photograph can really draw in a reader scrolling through Medium. And while we love our Unsplash integration in the Medium editor, keep in mind that a lot of people use the first few results for any given search term, and it’s worthwhile to keep looking for something fresh and unusual. Here’s a guide to finding imagery to use in your stories.

